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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Im sorry for da inconvinience.. But this blog had officially closed since long ago.. No more post will be posted here.. So sad.. But... The good news is..I have my brand new blog which is more interesting, delicious, fabulous, breath-taking, irresistable and hot!!!! U can visit it here...


So.. Feel free to visit and read and leave Ur comment there.. So, for now.. bubye... See ya there..!!

on; 6:24 AM

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

TheMe 10 [24th. SepTemBeR – 30th. SepTemBeR]… TranSpoRt aNd TouRisM

Have you ever been in traffic jam? For those who live in big city like Kuala Lumpur will understand how much unbearable to wait in the car for hours while the destination is not too far. Luckily, I was born where traffic jam is once in a blue moon. So, I don’t really understand. Only after I worked in Kota Kinabalu I got the feeling. It’s so easy to see the real face of Malaysian here. People shouted, yelling and screaming thinking they are the only one who get upset. No wonder Malaysian listed as one of the most rude people.

I always believe there are cure for every problem. For problem like this, people itself have to do something so we will end up happy without stuck in the middle of the road. One good way is to use another road that available to get the destinations. I believe there are many roads had been built by government to any particular place. First of all, we have to hear traffic report which deliver by some of radio station like Hot Fm, Era Fm and other. So, we can avoid ourselves from that traffic jam and saves our time especially our way to work place. So, there will be no reason for us to come late to office.

Another way is by using public transportation. It’s hard to believe that we have so many transportations provided especially in big cities and it’s easy to find one. In Kuala Lumpur we have various type of public transportations such as Monorail, RapidKL, LRT, and taxi. The good thing is all of them are not too expensive and everyone can afford to ride it. By using this way, we can reduce the number of car or transport on the road. In addition, we can save more money because we some of them using ticket for a whole day like Rapid KL. It is so cheap for student like me.

Another way of reducing this problem is by sharing transport. Maybe this way is a little bit complicated because sharing something like this need much tolerance. But for people like husband and wife, siblings, parent and child and friend, I think no need to have everyone have their own car in a house because it’s just another waste of money. Just like using public transportations, sharing a car can reduce the number of vehicle on the road. Besides, owning a car will cost more money to buy the fuel, services, toll and many more. By sharing a car, all of people involve can pay all those stuff together.

In my conclusion, there are a lot of things we can do to stop or at least reduce traffic jam. People keep on complaining about it but they don’t take any action on it. So, taking any one of all the suggestions I mentioned will help.

on; 10:46 PM

TheMe 9 [17th. SepTeMbEr – 23rd. SepTeMbeR]…SpaCe, DeVeLopMeNt ThaT WiLL aFfEcT OuR FuTuRe aNd ReSeaRcH PaPeRs

Since long ago, many scientists have done researches on possibility of life on Mars and this planet becomes our target to be human being habitat. It is speculated by them that the similarities between earth and Mars in some properties become the reason why Mars targeted to be our new habitat as earth is getting older and sick day by day.

By the mid-19th century, knew that Mars have some similarities to earth such as the length of a day is nearly equal to how long is one day on earth. It is believe that Mars also have four seasons just like the earth does. Unfortunately, the period of a year is a little bit longer than a year on earth as the orbit of the Mars is longer than earth. So, a baby on Mars has to wait longer to celebrate his first day. The observations by the astronomer on surface of Mars show the existence of water on darker region of the planet and land on the brighter side. It seems a good news for us as it shows how compatible Mars for our lives.

Spectroscopic analysis of Mars' atmosphere began in earnest in 1894, when U.S. astronomer William Wallace Campbell showed that neither water nor oxygen were present in the Martian atmosphere By 1909 better telescopes and the best perihelia opposition of Mars since 1877 conclusively put an end to the canal theory.

The photographs taken by the Mariner 4 probe in 1965, showed an arid Mars without rivers, oceans or any signs of life. Further it revealed that the surface (at least the parts that it photographed) was covered in craters, indicating a lack of plate tectonics and weathering of any kind for the last 4 billion years. The probe also found that Mars had no protective magnetic field, meaning that intense UV radiation makes the planet extremely hostile to life as we know it. The probe was also able to calculate the atmospheric pressure on the planet to be between 4 and 7 millibars, meaning that liquid water could not exist on the planet's surface. After Mariner 4, the search for life on Mars changed to a search for bacteria-like living organisms rather than for multicellular organisms, as the environment was clearly too harsh for these.

Observations made in the late 1990s by the Mars Global Surveyor confirmed the suspicion that Mars, unlike Earth, no longer possessed a substantial global magnetic field, thus allowing potentially life-threatening cosmic radiation to reach the planet's surface. Scientists also speculate that the lack of shielding due to Mars's diminished global magnetic field helped the solar wind blow away much of Mars's atmosphere over the course of several billion years.

No Mars probe since Viking has tested the Martian soil directly for signs of life. NASA's recent missions have focused on another question: whether Mars held lakes or oceans of liquid water on its surface in the ancient past. Scientists have found hematite, a mineral that forms in the presence of water. Many scientists have long held this to be almost self-evident based on various geological landforms on the planet, but others have proposed different explanations—wind erosion, carbon dioxide oceans, etc. Thus, the mission of the Mars Exploration Rovers of 2004 was not to look for present or past life, but for evidence of liquid water on the surface of Mars in the planet's ancient past.

So, it is enough to prove that Mars can be our next habitat since earth no longer able to provide us lives. As people keep on destroy this earth, it seems to me that the Mars couldn’t wait for our presence there.

on; 10:06 PM

TheMe 8 [10th. SepTemBeR – 16th. SepTemBeR]…CoMmuNiCaTioNs, ThE BuSsiNeSs aNd ThE MeDiA

As the world getting older, technology moving a step ahead and it gives human being both benefit and bad effects to us. Communication is something that born from the development of technology the moment computer was created; it was the beginning of new era of communication. No more birds used to send people’s letter and smoke to announce something important. There are many mediums of communications available nowadays and I believe many of us know about it.

Internet is the most important medium as many of us prefer to use it than go buy a newspaper because it much easier and interesting. Just at the tip of our fingers, everything will appear in front of us. I mean on the monitor. The latest news, what happen to the world today, and even what happen to our country and many of us use community website like friendster, my space and many other websites to keep in touch with our friends because it saves money and time. The using of e-mail also enables us to contact with many people all over the world even at different side of the world. Everyone can be our friend, but I’m not sure about alien because we are not really sure if they also have the internet. Sometimes, people love to misuse this facility and browse something that not good such as pornography because the internet don’t have the limits of information available. And it’s up to us to choose website that good for us.

Television also a good medium of communication as it broadcasted across the country and region. Unfortunately, compare to the internet, it is limited to the existence of coverage of the satellite. Sometimes, the signal is too weak and it make some of us don’t get the coverage. But in terms of information, television give us safer information as the contain of the information is suitable for all group of people. News also delivers in more interesting way and updated every second. But sometimes, some of the channel is not suitable for particular group because it is quite unsuitable for them and that’s why some station classified the programmed they provided. As example, 18SX for something that suitable for people under age because it contains sex scene and things like that.

Telephone is the most popular device as every one of us can afford to buy one. Hand phone become the most important device that we must bring every where because without it, it is difficult to contact each other. It is the fastest way to get connected to our friend with just the press of the keypads, we can send message to our friends and family. Cheer them up and tell how much we care about them. We can also contact them even when we are in another country but compare to internet, using hand phone cost more money because no money, no talk. That’s what my friend told me once.

To sum up, the development of technology enable us to communicate each other and it also make our life easier. But, make sure we use it for the right things. We are wise enough which is the best for us and sometimes, things that we like is not always good for us. Just think about it.

on; 9:17 PM

TheMe 7 [3rd. SepteMber – 9th. SepTemBeR]….EduCatioN aNd LeaRniNg (In aNd ouT oF ThE WorKpLaCe)

Mind mapping is not a new thing for us. Many of us had been exposed to this way of learning since in their primary school where teacher love to give notes by using this method. Actually, there are many more we can do with it in our daily life. It’s not just for our study but it involved everything. Can you believe it can be used to plan our birthday party or even to cook? So I am going to tell you more about the usage of mind map.

One good usage of mind map in our daily life is to construct our note for self-study. Actually, many of us have done it before. I guess, because it is so easy to construct and easy to read. It’s not necessary to make a beautiful one but a complete and simple note is okay. Many subjects is compatible in using this method such as Calculus, Chemistry, even history and some of us use it to understand more on poem. It help student to understand on a particular chapter easier because the note is written so beautiful compared to read book. I am very sure for those who not really interested to read every page in the text book will interested to read mind map. Am I right?

Another usage of mind map is to make a decision in our life. Most of the time, we get confuse on which decision to take in our life when there’re many choices in our life. The moment we see there’re RM2700 in our account (Well, I don’t get my allowance yet…), many things appear in our head and we tend to buy everything either it’s necessary or not. So, by using mind map, it’s easier to see which one is necessary to buy or not because wasting money will cause suffer in the end. I know it because it happened many times to me.

Mind map can be used in our presentation. It’s annoying to see the presentation full of words because for me, it’s just another waste of time. Mind map can drag me out of bored because the points are link so beautiful and systematically. For those who involve in business are recommended to use this method to deal with their partner because the usage of systematic way will attract people attention during conference or meeting with their partner. For student who always make presentation during class, using this method will impress their teacher and also avoid their friends from fall asleep because talk to much is boring.

To sum up, it’s worth to use this method. You have nothing to lose but a great way to present our idea. Just give it a try and you will know why.

on; 9:14 PM

TheMe 6 [27th . August – 2nd. SePteMbeR]….WaTeR ReSourCeS aNd EnViRonMenTaL ProBLeMs

Talking about this topic is too stereotype for me because it had been discused since long ago. But after I watched The Ice Age : The Meltdown, I think it's better for me to open my mouth and talk about it. Maybe many of us don't take this problem seriously but if we are lucky enough to feel the hot of atmosphere, maybe some of us stop using dangerous gases that listed as air polutant. Greenhouse can be defined as process in which the emission of infrared radiation by the atmosphere warms a planet surface.

It occurs when the sun rays that reaches earth surfaces can't be reflected back to outer space and stuck in our atmosphere. As a result, the temperature is increase and effects our lives. There are many gases that we recognised as greenhouse gases that become the reason why many parts of the world feeling hotter than the first day the earth was created by God. The main gases that reduces the content of oxygen are chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), carbon dioxide in methane that come from most of our home stuffs and machines.

The most dangerous gas is CFC that come from machine that produces cold air like refrigerator and air-conditioner. When this gas release to the air, it cause ozone layer become thick and ultraviolet rays which is very dangerous to human being will easily enter our atmosphere. As a result, many people got skin cancer and many other disease that dangerous to us. Besides, the ocean level will increase because the ice at the South and North pole melting just like what we saw in Ice Age 2. It can be predicted, the world will face big flood and there will be no lives on earth.

Futhermore, carbon dioxide is another gas that dangerous to our atmosphere. Methane that contains carbon and hidrogen in the fuel. When a hidrocarbon experience combusion, the carbon dioxide will release to the air. As a result, it trapped the heat that come from sun rays. Finally, the temperature is hotter during summer. That's what happened to many four seasons recently. People go out from thier home to get more cold air. We call this phenomenon as global warming and we know how dangerous it to our lives.

Industrial activities that rapidly become the most important activities since Industrial Revolution in Europe long ago also can be the cause for this phenomenon. The gases that release from this activities such nitrous oxide also will harm our atmosphere.This gas has the ability to combined with water in the cloud and form the gas that cause acid rain. This phenomenon is really dangerous as it can cause errosion to human being and building. I'm afraid if someday great landmark like Kuala Lumpur Tower and seven world wonder missing from its place. As a result, the next generation won't be able to see these greatness.

So, I want to conclude that, we have to reduces the usage of those dangerous gases and find another alternatives if we want to live longer. It's important to get develop but how come the most helpful element to human being since ancient time get forgotten. Just think if there's no place for us to live.

on; 7:57 AM

Monday, October 22, 2007

TheMe 4 [13th. AuGuSt – 19th. AuGuSt]…WorK, aTtITuDe aNd BeLieFs. aNd SociaL ChaNgeS

Pressure is something normal for working person. It maybe because so much work have to be done and the deadline is around the corner. I'm very sure everyone of us at least once used to be in this situation where everything is so stress and pain. Sometimes, pressure lead to serious action like commit suicide where a person can't stand the pain. So, we have to do something before our pressure cause a problem like that.

One good way is massage. Sitting a lot while doing our work will make our muscel tired and this is one of the reason pressure attacked our brain. It is the easiest way to do because everyone of us can do it eveywhere and everytime we stress. We can do it by apply pressure on the part that experienced pain and also motion on the body. Sometimes, people use equipment that can help releave the pain. One example is chair massage. Many people used this equipment because it contact most of our body part. Massage can release our pressure because the muscles that threat during massage are connected each other. So, pressure in our brain will be reduced.

Listening to the music is a good way to release our pressure and I believe this is the best way to overcome it. Once we listening music, the harmonic melody will help to relaxing our mind. Just experience how the finger tip of Beethoven and Mozart bring us out of pressure zone. Also, try listening to the vibration of Kenny G saxophone with his romantic rhythm. You will find how beautiful the music created for human being and help to bring happiness for us.

Another way is watch or hear something that makes you smile and the better is laugh. Many pople admit that laughter is the best medicine. Watching comedy or sitcom will help a lot. Sometimes people read funny story on the internet or comic like "Ujang", "Lawak Antarabangsa" and something like that. So, believe me laughter will relive our pressure faster than the other.

Sing also another way to relive our pain. Don't be shame if your voice is not good as Mariah Carey or Siti Nurhaliza. Paris Hilton's voice is okey. At least you can hear any melody or rhythm from your mouth. The best way is go to place where singing is allowed. K-Box is alright. Toilet is not really recommended because repair a collapsed toilet will cost a money. It was my experienced. ;-)... So, sing it out loud and sing from your heart and in the end you will realize how something relive in your head.

In a nutshell, do something about your pressure or otherwise it will take your happiness and affect your perfomance in your work. And maybe it can take your lives. But please, go away from commit suicide. There are many better way to releave our pressure. So, these are what I think the better way to relive our pressure by our work.

on; 11:16 AM


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