Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
ThEmE 3 – 6th . AuGuSt- 12th. 12th. AuGuSt…..MoNeY (FiNaNCiaL MaTteRs) AnD NaTuRaL ResOrCeS
cLaSs AsSigNMeNt
I have a dream....
I could stand with pride in front of my people. Being respected, educated, loved and recognise where I belong. Share what I'd learned since the day I recognise my own fears. How difficult I'd been through those days. My life isn't easy. I learned a lot from it. So I wish I could teach them with all I've got. And be the one who save my country's future. It seems to be so stereotype to hear it. But just think. Without your teacher, could you be the one you are now? It's not easy to be a kind man, but I should try. I wish that someday no more money matter in my family. I will be the one who save my family from this suffering. I wish that someday I can pay all my parent's deeds towards me. I know it's hard to do so but at least I can give them somethng before they close their eyes forever.
I have a dream...
I could be the one I want. No more pretending. I wish everyone could respect my choices in life. I could stand in front of them and speak my mind. It's hard to believe that the world today love to blame anything happen in my life.
I have a dream...
I could be the one who make a change to my country's future. Stop that mess in the media. No more islamic issues towards the Administrator party, no more labelled politicians, no more demonstration, no more difference in agenda. We are one. We are Malaysian. How could we spend a lot of time to see the other's destruction? How can Malaysia spend his Independence with all those stupid issues? I'm so tired to see my own race fighting each other to rule this land. We always talk about our achievement, but don't we think we should try to list down what Independence had done to us? Do we very free to do everything until no more border line between truth & lie?
I have a dream..
To see no more corruption in my country. No more drugs addicted among our teenagers. No more poverty. We are heading towards 2020. It's pointless for Tun Dr Mahathir to declared Wawasan 2020 if we still drown in our daydream. Wake up my dear!! Wake up! We are one. We are one.... Malaysia is a great country. Let's make world's eyes stare at us with impression. Recognise us because of our great achievements.
I have a dream..... Believe it..
I have a dream..
cLaSs aSsiGnMeNt
The story continue as the Prime Minister of Siam entered the ship and tell Anna about the agreement just before she was invited to be a school teacher to King Mongkut's wives and children. But Anna can feel something is forgotten in the agreement which is a home for her and her son, Louis. She objected the agreement as she feel she deserve to get what King Mongkut had promised her. This is what I impressed about her. She dare to speak her mind until she came to see King Mongkut even it's difficult for a woman at that time to survive. King Mongkut himself was impressed to know a woman like Anna.
Her day in the Siamese Castle continued as she taught all King's wives and children. It seems to me that she succed to widen their point of view about the world. She taught them about how water get frozen, about get to know each other and many more. King Mongkut also is a great man. In this story I can see he had change Siam to be more scientific. He had a long vision plan.. It makes me impressed more..........
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July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
June 2008
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layout: mervin07's
picture: photobucket
brushes: fakedtragedy
X-BLOGGERS productions.