Monday, July 30, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007 Labels: heaLtH
TheMe [23rd. JuLy – 29th.JuLy] … ExerSiCe, NutRiTioN aNd HeaLtH
I know it seems to be typical when I say it's important to keep our good health, but believe me, it's true! Once you fall sick, you will believe it. You will lie on a bed, wearing white clothes, eating bored meals, and whatever. So, from now on everyone of us have to take it seriously.
How to keep our good health is what I want to share with you. It's not easy to keep good health. That's why many people spend hundreds dollar to buy healthy products such as pills, capsuls, healthy equipment and many more. It's all in our hand to live longer. the determination to perform some effort is very important. We have to spend some time for it. First of all, we have to get some information from the health articles, internet or magazines. Do not try to take any pills without any advice from doctors. There are some women who died all over the world because they want to look beautiful by taking slim pills. Then, for those smokers, try to stop little by little from this very bad habit. You are killing yourself and other peoples too everytime you smoke. Try eat some sweets or chewing gum everytime you want feel want to smoke.
Exersice is all also helps to keep good health. It's simple to perform exesice. For those student who lived in storeys residents, try not to use lifts because it's simple to use stairs. Don't have to buy any equipment. Then, if you have time in the evening, don't just sleep. Take your time to jog in the nearest park or sidewalk. Just 30 minutes is enough. Don't push yourself to exersice. Once you sweat, you are consider as healthy man. These exersices is important for your cardiovascular endurance. Besides, if you don't have enough space, just like in your office or room, you can do stretching at anytime. It's important to improve the range of motion of muscles and joints. Guess, you don't just keep our good health, you can have a beatiful body by maintaining your fitness.
So just make a start before it's too late....
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layout: mervin07's
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brushes: fakedtragedy
X-BLOGGERS productions.